Posts Tagged 'Programming'

jQuery UI: Using Autocomplete with Tabs

I was working on a project that happened to have the need to embed a jQuery UI Autocomplete textbox within a Tab container. Normally fine and easy thing to do, however I also needed to override the Autocomplete’s private function  _renderItem property so I could template my own html to display. The problem was that when the Autocomplete would kick in it would drop the contents of it’s drop down to every <ul> with jQuery UI classes it could find and being inside the Tab control that was a few, this was not the effect I desired. Continue reading ‘jQuery UI: Using Autocomplete with Tabs’

T4Configuration: Automated .Config settings

UPDATE: T4Configuration has been updated see here for info.

UPDATE: Source code is available at

I have created a quick and dirty T4 script to run in Microsoft Visual Studio that will automatically generate a static C# class with properties for every <appSetting> and <connectionString>. You can then access them like so:

 1: String conn = Config.MyDataContext;

Not a million miles away from how T4MVC works.

It is a simple little utility that I hope automates something a lot of us do or have built a shared library to do.

Source code will follow soon. Its all on a BSD do what you will license.

Get it through Nuget or type “Install-Package T4Configuration” in your package manager console.


Website Compression: Check ISA 2004

So you have checked the HTTP Headers being sent by your browser and you have confirmed it is sending the ACCEPT-ENCODING header but still the response from IIS (7 in my case) has no CONTENT-ENCODING and your stumped?

Continue reading ‘Website Compression: Check ISA 2004’