Posts Tagged 'Visual Studio'

T4Configuration: Automated .Config settings

UPDATE: T4Configuration has been updated see here for info.

UPDATE: Source code is available at

I have created a quick and dirty T4 script to run in Microsoft Visual Studio that will automatically generate a static C# class with properties for every <appSetting> and <connectionString>. You can then access them like so:

 1: String conn = Config.MyDataContext;

Not a million miles away from how T4MVC works.

It is a simple little utility that I hope automates something a lot of us do or have built a shared library to do.

Source code will follow soon. Its all on a BSD do what you will license.

Get it through Nuget or type “Install-Package T4Configuration” in your package manager console.


Sql Server 2008 Business Intelligence Studio Fails On Install

I happened to be reinstalling my Windows 7 Professional work machine when I came to this error installing the shared features on Sql Server 2008 Standard. Everything else installed fine but the Business Intelligence Studio was refusing to play ball.

Continue reading ‘Sql Server 2008 Business Intelligence Studio Fails On Install’