Posts Tagged 'Sql Server'

Sql Server 2008+: Declare and Assign Variables

This information is purely extracted from Pinal Dave so go there for the source. It’s one of those things that I deal with TSQL as a programmer and not as a DBA. I don’t keep up with these little advancements in the language as SQL Server increases in versions as much as I should and I wouldn’t have caught this if I didn’t follow Pinal’s blog.

Basically ye old way this was done and what I was doing until today was:

   1: DECLARE @example int 

   2: SELECT @example = 1

Since SQL Server 2008 you can now do it like:

   1: DECLARE @example int = 1

Simple, but from my background it is easier to read. Thanks Pinal!

Sql Server 2008 Business Intelligence Studio Fails On Install

I happened to be reinstalling my Windows 7 Professional work machine when I came to this error installing the shared features on Sql Server 2008 Standard. Everything else installed fine but the Business Intelligence Studio was refusing to play ball.

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